The Cape Rottweiler Club is a progressive dog club that prides itself on promoting humane and positive, science-based training and handling methods. We actively endeavour to treat the dogs under our care with dignity and respect, recognising that they are sentient beings capable of feeling pain, fear, anxiety and distress as well as contentment, social attachment and pleasure.
At the Cape Rottweiler Club we offer the following training classes:
The prerequisite for starting the Protection class is that members have completed or are currently enrolled for the above 12 week courses.
The Cape Rottweiler Club, affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa was founded in 2007 and is a Rottweiler specialist club, training all breeds of dogs.
The club training grounds are located in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town at the Chukker Road Sports Complex, Lansdowne. The club enjoys a varied membership base from both show goers and the general companion dog owners.
The intent of the club is to promote good fellowship and friendly interaction amongst all persons who have the interest of dogs and especially of the Rottweiler at heart.
Everyone is most welcome to pop into our training grounds and join us for a cup of tea or coffee and the chance to chat with other dog owners, trainers and breeders.


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